As a Web Design and IT Support company – we understand how technology plays a huge role in the operations of a business and the affects that can happen when their technology is temporarily down or access/connectivity is lost altogether.

As we continue to use more and more digital products, we become dependent on them.

But as with many things – buying into the technology concept and providing your personal data, via a website or to an employer often comes at a price. Trusting those that handle your data to do so in a safe and non-questionable way will always be a gamble.

After reading a recent article about businesses believing that by leaving the EU they would be exempt from the new data protection act that was agreed in 2015, due to come into effect as of 2018, goes to show that a lot of businesses are not compliant through lack of understanding or have ulterior motives.

This is why businesses like ours are here to help.

We make the jargon make sense. Ensuring that our solutions provided and those of our supported clients comply with data act requirements and that our clients are aware of their role within compliance processes.

Once a data protection strategy is designed and implemented into a business – all will work well depending that the strategy is followed without deviation.


The safeguarding of sensitive data, whether that be for a client, employee or personal reasons is now even more vital than ever.

Many people out there are eager to exploit data in many different ways. With a secure process in place – this reduces and in many cases even stops these people in their tracks.

If more businesses were to focus on their data protection – we would see a significant decrease in cold calling and spam emails sent out by those who obtain mass data for these purposes.