In February this year, we wrote a blog about how we saw BNI at that time. Since then – we have come along way in both the BNI & Business world.

Way back before we found the Alpha chapter and became their web design & development member, we seen the BNI networking group as just another way of gaining more business and making more money, but it’s actually much more than that.

When you are part of a BNI chapter – it’s always great to receive referrals from fellow members of the group. The old philosophy of givers gain in an attempt to maximize your investment never grows old. However – below are the additional benefits that can be overlooked:

Respect & Trust:

When you become part of a BNI chapter your group place their trust in you on the assumption that you are going to work alongside them and contribute to the group in any way you can, whether that be introducing new members to grow the group, referring work to another member or writing a testimonial for a job well done.

You then have the opportunity to gain their respect by proving they made the correct decision.

Having respect and trust from other business owners is vital to any company that wants to grow.

Note: Not many people get the opportunity to access a BNI group by default like me (which is a different story for a future blog) but the team at group Alpha have welcomed me and have given me their trust which is Step 1 of the process completed.

Increased Knowledge:

Having access to 25+ members with a fountain of knowledge across different industries, markets, sectors combined is pretty cool and powerful for any business to have.


Which leads onto our other initial assumption made long ago, that businesses at a later stage required the BNI experience. Again – looking back – BNI benefits even start up businesses to bring the work in during those scary times, to provide a stricter routine and to just have that support when it was needed most.

We look forward to the continuation of our BNI journey and will provide updates as we go.